Snorri Arnarson- 29 - Resides in Germany
Snorri is a reclusive writer who needed a major change of scenery, so he fled from his home in Iceland to make a new home in a quiet German town. Still as reclusive despite this, he spends the majority of his time cooped up writing at home. When he isn't doing that, he likes sitting in an abandoned bowling alley that he found in the forest.


silence, the sound of wind through windows, dim lighting, typewriters, fountain pens, daydreaming, writing poetry, birdsong


writing novels, loud people, signing books, bright lights, computers, busy cities

If only he remembered those fleeting dreams, then he might not be so suspicious of the waking world.

The best headshot for his author biography.

A walk with his meddling editor, who definitely didn't have to go all the way to his house to make sure he wasn't dead or anything.

Sleepless. Condemned to hellish dreams, but cursed with insomnia otherwise.

All to understand his own writing. His editor goes above and beyond, despite the moodswings.

Lost in thought and lost in smoke.

He comes to the abandoned bowling alley for inspiration.

The world is mundane and empty to him. Everything is formless.

His editor thought this would make for a nice author bio photo.